Monday, February 28, 2011

TAKS Tomorrow!

Today has been full of encouraging words... reviews... pep talks... whatever it takes to let our 4th graders know we are ALL rooting for them to do their very best on the Writing TAKS test. Their teachers have worked all year in preparing their students for this day. In the middle of getting all things TAKS covered up on their walls and the desks spread out in rows... they paused for a moment this afternoon to pose for this picture.

Our FABULOUS 4th Grade team:
Ms. Roberts, Ms. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Leyton, Mrs. Butcher, Mr. Alvarez

A short rally was held in the cafeteria this afternoon to send the kids off with encouraging words from their teachers. Ms. Hollingsworth worked with some of her students to prepare a very special video.

Students also received cookies as reminders of the writing process... what better way to motive and reteach than through FOOD. And everyone loves cookies!!

The writing process through cookies...

Brainstorming: coming up with your ideas (what type of cookie to bake)
Prewriting: gathering up the ingredients
Drafting: a plain ole sugar cookie
Revising and Editing: icing
Publishing: sprinkles

And finally, a special thanks to Mrs. Desmarais for heading up the making of TAKS Crowns. Each student received a crown with encouraging words written on them from past and present teachers. What a wonderful way to show our students support!!

You've got the MAGIC 4th grade!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

5th Grade Camp

Our 5th graders left yesterday for Camp Pine Cove on beautiful Lake Palestine. The campus sure seems quite without them here. But... while at camp we know they will be having the time of their lives. They will return Friday afternoon with lots of stories, memories, and learning experiencs

Here are just a few things our 5th graders are sure to take away from their camp experience:

  • Outdoor Education brings the classroom into the out-of-doors. Students learn about the environment through active, hands-on investigation. The program involves the student's entire curriculum, from math to art to science.
  • The Outdoor Education Center, in addition to reinforcing the student's curriculum, stresses the importance of living together in a community, respecting the values and differences of other individuals.
  • Outdoor Education is a program that cannot be taught within classroom walls. It's more than learning, it's experiencing and living within the natural environment.

And here's a picture of the fabulous 5th grade team!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I have a dream...

In January, Mrs. Grillenbeck's kindergarten class visited the library for a special story time about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Students discussed racism, equality, freedom, and how the world is a much better place because of the work of Dr. King.

Each student then shared a dream they had. It was really neat to hear the students talk about sharing, being kind to others, and doing the right thing (even when no one is watching!). In celebration of Black History Month, this poster is still hanging proudly on the library doors.

February Recycling Contest

Throughout the month of February our campus has participated in a recycling contest. This contest is held annually by the City of Grand Prairie via the Green and Clean campus program. Monetary prizes are awarded to top recycling campuses.

Shyla, a student in Mrs. Bell's kindergarten class, has REALLY done her part in bringing recyclables to school. Special thanks to Kathy Abdalla and Stephanie Whalen for soliciting the help of Hansen Pressure Pipe in stockpiling their paper recycling specifically for this contest. Their most recent drop off was so big they had to rent a UHAUL.

We are anxious to see how our campus performed in this year's recycling contest. Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4th grade Writing TAKS

We're one week away from the 4th grade Writing TAKS test (March 1st). Our students and teachers have been working very hard all year to prepare and we are all excited to see how our students do! It's no secret that the entire campus is cheering them on... but it is especially neat to see the signs hung in the 4th grade hallway made by Ms. Hollingsworth.

Over the next couple of days... offer some encouraging words to one (or more!!) of our 4th graders. Maybe an ex-student or just the next 4th grader you see in the hallway. A little motivation from someone who cares can truly go a long way.

Monday, February 21, 2011

4th Grade Optimist Award

On February 21st, 4th Grader Jennifer Neff in Ms. Roberts’ class was honored for being the Most Improved 4th Grade Girl at Barbara Bush. A reception was presented by the Optimist Club of Grand Prairie for all the most improved 4th grade boys and girls throughout the district. Recipients were given goodie bags, a certificate, a medal, and had their pictures taken with a state representative!

Congratulations Jennifer!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Guinea Pig Babies

The 5th graders in Ms. Weaver's class got a F.U.N. surprise on Valentine's Day. Their class guinea pig had babies!!! Here they are a week after birth, posing for their first family photo.

What a great way for our students to study mammals, learned behaviors, adaptations, and inherited traits. Speaking of inherited traits, here's a picture of Oreo (the proud dad). It's interesting to see which traits the guinea pigs received from each parent.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Groundhog Day

Although the snow in early February kept us out of school for a few days... our students had the chance to make their predictions for Groundhog Day 2011.

Here's a copy of the poster that was hung on the library doors:

Groundhog Day 2011
According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
Predictions over the last 123 years…
SAW SHADOW        98 times
NO SHADOW          15 times

NO RECORD            10 times

So, what do you think Dolphins… Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow on February 2, 2011???

Throughout the week, many classes got to hear a read aloud in the library called, Go to Sleep, Groundhog by Judy Cox. Once they had decided their answer to the question, they brought their groundhog down and taped it to the YES or NO side.


It's easy to see... most of our students believed Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow. However, it was cloudy on February 2nd... and that means we can expect an early spring. This is sure to make our students excited. That means warmer temperatures for RECESS!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hello Friends!!

Welcome to the official "Good Things" blog for Barbara Bush Elementary. It is our hope that this blog will begin to spread the good news about the wonderful things happening at our school.

Stay tuned...