Monday, February 7, 2011

Groundhog Day

Although the snow in early February kept us out of school for a few days... our students had the chance to make their predictions for Groundhog Day 2011.

Here's a copy of the poster that was hung on the library doors:

Groundhog Day 2011
According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
Predictions over the last 123 years…
SAW SHADOW        98 times
NO SHADOW          15 times

NO RECORD            10 times

So, what do you think Dolphins… Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow on February 2, 2011???

Throughout the week, many classes got to hear a read aloud in the library called, Go to Sleep, Groundhog by Judy Cox. Once they had decided their answer to the question, they brought their groundhog down and taped it to the YES or NO side.


It's easy to see... most of our students believed Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow. However, it was cloudy on February 2nd... and that means we can expect an early spring. This is sure to make our students excited. That means warmer temperatures for RECESS!!!

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